Thanks to our generous supporters, OR was able to provide 190 boxed lunches and a prayer for members of the hospital staff at Womack Army Medical Center at Ft. Bragg. The lunch outreach was seasoned with prayer before Chaplain Avery visited personnel carrying the brunt of the load in the war on Covid-19. He selected staff members with the highest levels of stress who are directly caring for Covid-19 patients and preparing to care for more.
“My ministry objectives were first to encourage Soldiers and those who care for them. Second, I wanted to create a more trusted relationship so that the staff would know they could come to the Chaplain’s office no matter what their concerns. The event built more confidence in our Unit Ministry Team at Womack by showing the staff that they were cared for and that their physical needs were as important to us as their spiritual needs. This is one aspect of the Army Chaplain Corps. We experience the difficulties of serving in the Army that our Soldiers do in exchange for the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We mirror what Jesus did coming to earth.”
– CH (CPT) Eric Avery