Deep Gratitude

This Thanksgiving we would like to offer a special note of thanks to all who have volunteered their boat or property to serve our Nation’s Warriors. While we are grateful for the land in Hyde County, it takes additional space and resources to complete Operation Resolute’s mission. This year fifteen people volunteered boats for inshore fishing, nineteen people volunteered boats for offshore fishing and eight people offered hunts on their property,
to include property in Georgia and South Texas.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
We are deeply grateful for you.
We could not accomplish God’s Work without you!

Boat Owners – Inshore Fishing
Dave Brubaker
Will Funderburk
Chris Gardner
Kenny McConville
Kyle Elliott
Rick Yost
David Devine
Mark Beemer
Mike Bates
Brothers In The Field Boats:
Bubs Carson
David Mason
Keith Mitchell
Dan McNeill
Scott Brown
Kendall Beushausen

Boat Owners – Deep Sea Fishing
Todd Smith
Troy Pate
Alan Scibal
Jami Ervin
Parker Lancaster
Patrick Dufour
Jeff Tyler
Andy Crawford
Jordan Finch
Thomas Bennett
Casey Wagner
Chris Daniels
Pizza Kannan
Peter Du Bose
Jimmy Hite
Hunter Blount
Carson Ruffin
Brian Allen
Parker Lancaster

Property Owners
Jeff Aiken
Bill Blount
Ray Tooley
Harold Cooley
Dan McNeill with Brothers In the Field
John & John Brooks Edmonson
Andy Crook for a GA Hunt
David Crossland for a South TX Hunt