Support Operation Resolute This Memorial Day

With Memorial Day weekend right around the corner, many of us are looking forward to vacationing with our families. However, due to training and deployments, the families we serve within the Special Operations community may not spend their summers together. The spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of these men and their loved ones have skyrocketed in conjunction with constant deployments since the War on Terror began in 2001. The divorce rate in many of the groups we work with is over 70%, and the risk of suicide is 21% higher for veterans than for civilians.

From its inception in 2013, OR has had the privilege of working with chaplains to address these needs and provide relief from the pressures of military life. This ministry has impacted over 2,000 active servicemen and their family members by sharing the love of Christ through marriage, family and outdoor events.

This spring and summer, OR has the opportunity to reach an additional 200 members of the Special Operations community by providing 10 ministry events. These will include Spa Days for the wives of Green Berets, Family Surf Days, a Father/Daughter dance, a Father/Son Float Trip and Offshore Fishing Trips. Each of these events is designed to facilitate deeper relationships between chaplains and the people they serve.

Please consider making a gift today to help us reach our goal of $30,000 by May 31. Because of generous supporters, OR has a match for the month of May so every dollar you give is doubled.

You can donate now by clicking on the button below or writing a check payable to Operation Resolute and mailing it to 3101 Industrial Dr. Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27609. If you would like to designate a gift in honor of a veteran, you can either email that name to or write it in the memo line of your check. The names of these veterans will be listed on Operation Resolute’s Facebook page on Memorial Day.